First, in case you don't know, Soulfulness Breath has turned 1 this month! Woo!
Thank you all for supporting me in any way :) Don't forget to take advantage of the anniversary specials going on all month long - visit the HOME PAGE for details.
The past few weeks have been extremely busy and hectic. I recently traveled to California to visit my cousin and best friend and got go to the Beetlejuice Experience in Hollywood. It was so fun! Got another aura picture reading which was an amazing experience to share with my cousins and BFF. I think this will be our new yearly tradition. Upon returning, I hosted another Breathwork at the Greenhouse, this time featuring Hispanic music artists in honor of Hispanic Heritage Month. I was a bit concerned with the language difference because most attendees have typically have only been English speaking, but it boosted my confidence in eventually hosting in Spanish.
My current struggle - my kids are on Fall Break this week. I am juggling work while being asked for snacks every 5 seconds. School breaks can be challenging for me as they can make me feel guilty for working instead of spending time with them. It's tough not being able to fully enjoy my time with them due to work commitments. I tend to get extremely overstimulated after a few days juggling it all, so I really need to put in extra effort to take care of my needs or at least speak up about my needs. *insert Hungergames solute*
My own internal turmoil was exacerbated by my family's loss stemming from mental health challenges. Processing this difficult news triggered some of my PTSD symptoms. I felt intense anger, not directed at the individual, but at society for failing so many others like them. People are quick to blame the individual or say they should have done more, but the real issue is the reluctance to address the uncomfortable truth. The notion that "they didn't seem XYZ" ignores the fact that mental health can manifest differently. I won't delve further into this topic, but I hope we can work towards normalizing emotions, empathy, and increasing awareness in this area.
Just as a reminder to all (including myself), to make sure you are taking care of yourself. Dedicate time, an activity, a meal, whatever - to yourself right now. The world is so chaotic right now and it's super easy to get sucked in in unhealth ways. Set the boundaries you need to keep your peace and respect the boundaries of others as well. Don't forget to breathe.